“There was a day she came back from school and was like ‘Mummy somebody got expelled in my class for giving someone Mouth Gig’ and I just exclaimed ‘Blow what? You know what that is?’ She just laughed and said ‘Mummy, you don’t expect me not to know that.’ You know, that opened another room to educate her. As often as possible I have to talk to her about boys. Teens need sex education. She is growing up so fast, so I need to tell her all she needs and wants to know so she doesn’t get it all mixed up,” she explained.
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2 people like this.
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
In the end she'll get mixed up if she wants. You've done your part here though.
Endy Edeson
i wonder why the mum was shocked to hear such from her daughter. a 14
year old girl is no longer a toddler. this is the best time to train her
well, if she can.
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
don't know for her. These days the sexual content they're exposed to it
much and even kids less her age are exposed to almost if not all. Some
parens just don't want to believe its true
Dosomething Fatherfather
wt do they expect wen they almost go naked in nolly wood. Children
arn't save 2day dt y i alway hv to hold d remote wen eva i m watchin a
movie wit my litle oncs
Jeremiah Ademolu
not practice before them, they can get all info needed through other
source. Stop seeing that girl as baby you gave birth to 14yrs ago, she
may know more than you her mother. Continue to give her sex education
like you rightly said, that's all.