A gay husband and 'husband', i mean Husband and wife (Man & Man)
are currently crying and regretting for getting married after a DNA
test proved they are Twin Brothers. They went for DNA test due to
pressure from family and friends following their remarkable resemblance. The couple, Jason Osbourne and Alex Brown met at a modeling event in New York and have since been lovers.
One of the couple, Alex Brown said he will start living a normal life with a woman, may quit homosexual act due to the shameful discovery
Both men were separated at birth and adopted in different families although they both were unaware of this fact until the DNA testing.
Sexual relations between siblings are prohibited in the United States but the two brothers would not be prosecuted because of the particularities of this specific case, believe legal experts.
One of the couple, Alex Brown said he will start living a normal life with a woman, may quit homosexual act due to the shameful discovery
Both men were separated at birth and adopted in different families although they both were unaware of this fact until the DNA testing.
Sexual relations between siblings are prohibited in the United States but the two brothers would not be prosecuted because of the particularities
Chizzy Gracious
End time
Endy Edeson
@gracious: really endtime. homosexual twin couple. i guess they will annul their marriage and stop seeing each other in private
Anthony Gbazalo
Oyibo no care. Them go still go ahead with de marriage
Sam Oladele Alebiosu
Go and sin no more
Anne Oiza Oyizzy
They resemble so much, they should have check before entering into such evil relationship in the first place
Endy Edeson
@oiza: If they can only repent and embrace Christ, their sins woul be forgiven
Anne Oiza Oyizzy
Yes oh bcos God is love and He hates their sin not them
Bekere Becky Afaka
Endy no repentance for gays,if not God would have spared Sodom n Gomorrah
Anne Oiza Oyizzy
That was before Jesus came to redeem us Bekere Becky Afaka
Bekere Becky Afaka
Thunder fire their penises
Juliana Tsiamu
Hahahahaha...th at happened for a reason, let everybody learn and say no to homosexual before nemesis wil befall the U.S
Zaki Tor
Confusions of our generation#Sign s of the end Time.....Regret s of insane behavior!!#
Endy Edeson
@beck: anne is right, Jesus has paid the price for them