CRIME NEWS: New Law Bans Employment Of Under 12 As Househelps In Nigeria
In a long overdue move, the Fed¬eral Government has prohibited the employment of children below the age of 12 as domestic helps in a new Act signed by President Goodluck Jonathan. Christened the Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Enforcement and Administration Act 2015, the new law recommends a prison term of two years and a possible fine for violators. The law also prohibits the exploitation of domestic helps who are under 18 years. This law is a huge relief to parents and
the many governmental and non-governmental agencies that have en¬gaged in advocacy for the rights of chil¬dren, especially, the girl-child. The long history of abuse of this category of chil¬dren is an open secret in the country. The question had always been when the country would rise in the defence of these vulnerable children? Thank God, a reprieve has finally come their way.
To be sure, the situation has always been a complicated one. The exigen¬cies of modern living and the rise in the incidence of working mothers have ensured that domestic helps would be needed to help with house chores. Hence, working couples go all out to find the much-needed support. In the process, children who themselves sore¬ly need parental care and mentoring are brought into new homes to perform omnibus assignments for miserly fees that are hardly commensurate with their exertions.
Credit: sunnews