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Tuesday, 10 September 2013

I NEED ADVICE: “My Younger Brother Wants to Marry a Woman with Kids”

Photo: ENDY EDESON Please I Need Your ADVICE Urgently::

“My Younger Brother Wants to Marry a Woman with Kids”

“ I Will Do Anything  to Stop Him From Marrying Her”

Good day Mr. ENDY EDESON. Thanks for your relentless efforts in informing and entertaining US through your blog and your facebook page. You are highly appreciated with the good work.
Mr. EDESON I have an issue I want you to post to your readers and fans so that they can advice me on what to do. There is no need of hiding my name. My name is Biliki from Osun State. 
My younger brother is everything to me, I trained him in the University. He is now an Engineer and currently works with one of the OIL Companies. What I can’t fathom is his choice of wife. EDESON, Can you imagine that my own brother I labored for wants to marry a woman with two kids by two different men. She's only 29 and already has a 9 year old and a four year old, both from different men she dated in the past. My brother is only 31 and I and other members of our family feel there are more decent women out there he can marry and not a young woman with two kids.
 We have tried to talk him out of it but he doesn't want it to hear it. It's not even like she's beautiful, well educated or rich so I don't understand his obsession with this woman. How is he going to take care of two kids that are not his? What do we do? How do we get him to get away from this woman? There are some family members who believe he's under a spell because his obsession with her and determination to marry her is not normal.

GUYS, What is your advice for this lady?
Follow EDESON NEWS on Twitter: @endyedesonnews
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“ I Will Do Anything to Stop Him From Marrying Her”
Good day Mr. ENDY EDESON. Thanks for your relentless efforts in informing and entertaining US through your blog and your facebook page. You are highly appreciated with the good work.

Mr. EDESON I have an issue I want you to post to your readers and fans so that they can advice me on what to do. There is no need of hiding my name. My name is Biliki from Osun State.
My younger brother is everything to me, I trained him in the University. He is now an Engineer and currently works with one of the OIL Companies. What I can’t fathom is his choice of wife. EDESON, Can you imagine that my own brother I labored for wants to marry a woman with two kids by two different men. She's only 29 and already has a 9 year old and a four year old, both from different men she dated in the past. My brother is only 31 and I and other members of our family feel there are more decent women out there he can marry and not a young woman with two kids.
We have tried to talk him out of it but he doesn't want it to hear it. It's not even like she's beautiful, well educated or rich so I don't understand his obsession with this woman. How is he going to take care of two kids that are not his? What do we do? How do we get him to get away from this woman? There are some family members who believe he's under a spell because his obsession with her and determination to marry her is not normal.

GUYS, What is your advice for this lady?
Follow EDESON NEWS on Twitter: @endyedesonnews
VISIT EDESON NEWS WEBSITE www.edesonnewsonline.tk

  1. Like ·  · Unfollow Post · 
    • Starrose Bling He dose not have any right too stop d wedding
    • Munirat Abdulazeez If he insisted leave him buh jst b prayin 4 him.
    • Enahoro Wisdom Edekin It is love, he can go ahead and marry d lady of her choice.
    • Aio-Ti Timeless I Only have this to say to leave your brother alone and let him live his life as he deem fit and is no of your business who he choice to marry or not. If I was you brother and you like with me me, I will send you to your early grave. control freak.
    • Ese Naomi Leave ur broda Alone.....let him follow his heart.....if d lady ur talkin about were to b ur sist, u go spoil her marriage abi?
      23 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Angel Tonia It luv ok
    • Rebmeroi Cytimann Chiahemba I suppose you should take it easy with him and trying to explain issues to him, since you are older. Using force would only play him into the hands of the lady. Those saying "leave him alone, its love" are saying so because its not their brother. This idea of "leave them alone" has ruined marriages in the western world and caused a lot of suicides. Its creeping into Africa gradually. But unlike in the western world, should the unthinkable happen, the whole family would be buried in the same shame, so its the family's duty to protect that young man. The family of the young man in Delta that supposedly commited suide over a micro manhood was made to pay a fine or something, because this is Africa, where we are our "brother's keeper". Whatever a lady of 29 is doing with 2 children from 2 men is evil.
      22 hours ago · Like · 3
    • Aio-Ti Timeless @Rebmeroi Cytimann Chiahemba,on the contrary to your opinion, who made you the Judge over the 29 years old woman with two children to different men, where you to be in her shoes what and how would you feel?
      22 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Angel Tonia Yes Aio dis a nice question
    • Mercy Dan Is not a big deal if that is what he want afterall women do accept men no matter the number of children n wives already had. Once there's love, they can move mountain. Is a matter of choice. Goodluck!!!
      22 hours ago · Like · 4
    • Rebmeroi Cytimann Chiahemba @Aio-Ti Timeless, if I have done anything wrong by voicing my opinion, I apologise, but please, I advise that you stick to the subject matter and leave me alone. If I wore that puritanical garment of yours, I would have also made to know who exactly you are that you think you can send people to their early graves.#pebbles and stones
    • Aio-Ti Timeless @Rebmeroi Cytimann Chiahemba I find it offensive the very way many African in this case many Nigerian are to retrogressive in their chauvinistic mentality to pass judgement on women on our society base on the extreme ignorant views on out they think societal norms should be. i only asked you a straight question for which you are being emotionally sentimental about answering a simple question, what if that was your sister, mother or daughter, would you have this view. Is about time ignorant folks like yourself get better informed and stop victimizing, violating the rights of women and disrespecting them on the bases of traditional backwardness that has not made the so-called society that you live in anyway progressive.
    • Airueghionmon Pretty · 25 mutual friends
      Go and look for yours and stop puking your noise in your brother affair. If you trained him to the university does that mean you will be remoting him up and down. Abeg park well ohhhh
    • Aio-Ti Timeless @Rebmeroi Cytimann Chiahemba go back and read what i said and i stand by my word... if any human being tries to infringe my right to decide my own destiny they most face the consequences of doing so. This is a matter of individual human right to life their life as the deem fit, If you have a problem with understanding the fundamental right of Individual that is your problem not mine. I did better not continue to argue with your ill-inform ignorant mind set as you are no match for so i urge you to get some reality check.
    • Ochuko Blessing Sit ur broda down and let him see reason y u dot want him to marry d lady, and if he decides to marry her no problem cos he will be d one to suffer or enjoy everything at last.
      21 hours ago · Like · 2
    • Rebmeroi Cytimann Chiahemba Mr Aio-Ti, it is very amazing how you find Africa's supposed retrogression offensive, yet you choose to ignore the fact that your boasting of how you would kill a fellow human is barbaric! You have to cleanse your mind before you condemn a whole continent. What is your idea of victimization and violation of the rights of women? Because i opined that a marriage of such should not hold? If you are less ignorant, then wait till your sibling wants to enter into marriage with a mother of two from different men then you would display your avalance of knowledge. I still maintain that you face the subject matter and not me. Where were you and your human right activities when his brother was paying his fees and catering for him? You talk of ignorance, but when I look around, all of us have drawn our inference from the story above, so where did you get your extra information that makes you more informed? Who do you think you can impress? Yourself and a few lazy women. The woman in question never got married, only got pregnant for two different men At age 20 and 25. How can you explain that? Go and look for your younger brother and use him to do bonanza! You bemoan my refusal to answer you question but you forget that i asked you to tell me who you are, to kill people? God?
    • Arinze Okafor Just let him know the consequences. If he insists let him be afterall it's his cross. He shouldn't disturb your peace if anything goes wrong later. 'One should always use one's head and not heart alone when falling in love'.
      21 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Aio-Ti Timeless Rebmeroi Cytimann Chiahemba, I will make something very clear to you, First and foremost, I am A full blooded African, a very proud Bini Man in all respect. whether the brother pay for his schooling or not does not give him any right or what so ever t...See More
      20 hours ago · Like · 2
    • Rebmeroi Cytimann Chiahemba @Aio-Ti, now that you are coming back to reality, you can go back to my first comment and get the message. I didn't even call off the marriage and cannot. I suggested that he sits him down and talk to him, and not even to use force. I only had a proble...See More
    • Raymond Patrick The word logic is a latin word, logos. Logic is a science of reasoning
    • Pamela Adebanjo Prayer my dear av d final power cus dis days some girl r so desperate ,u can not tell if it Luv or juju so plssss just b praying 4 ur brother 4 God to take charge,cus av seen a case like dis ,my deal God is with u.
      16 hours ago · Like · 2

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