Yesterday March 1, 2017 Christians started their Lenten season,
which is a time when they observe a period of fasting, repentance,
moderation, self-denial and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set
aside time for
reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial, and resurrection.
Christians are still awaiting the second coming of Jesus Christ after he died more than 2000 years ago. When Christ comes, he will take the righteous along to meet his father in heaven.
According to the Holy Book (Bible), Jesus will come unexpectedly. Revelation 16:15, "Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed”.
Christ is telling his followers to watch, remain faithful, and be ready for His Second Coming. However, there was a melodrama in Lagos today when Jesus Look-alike suddenly appeared in Sogunle area of Lagos State. Eye witnesses say the strange Jesus was trekking along the road at Sogunle area in Lagos state, Nigeria, today when people saw he look like Jesus Christ, they started bringing their phone and snapping suddenly they couldn’t find him again.
Written & Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
Read More News Stories on my News Blog
#JesusChrist #LentenSeason #Fastingandpraying #JesusIsLord #LordofLord #Ashwednesday
reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial, and resurrection.
Christians are still awaiting the second coming of Jesus Christ after he died more than 2000 years ago. When Christ comes, he will take the righteous along to meet his father in heaven.
According to the Holy Book (Bible), Jesus will come unexpectedly. Revelation 16:15, "Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed”.
Christ is telling his followers to watch, remain faithful, and be ready for His Second Coming. However, there was a melodrama in Lagos today when Jesus Look-alike suddenly appeared in Sogunle area of Lagos State. Eye witnesses say the strange Jesus was trekking along the road at Sogunle area in Lagos state, Nigeria, today when people saw he look like Jesus Christ, they started bringing their phone and snapping suddenly they couldn’t find him again.
Written & Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
Read More News Stories on my News Blog
#JesusChrist #LentenSeason #Fastingandprayi
Kelvin Ekekwe Chijioke
Like seriously
Endy Edeson
@Kelvin: will you take pictures of him if you saw him? or will be afraid of him?
Kelvin Ekekwe Chijioke
Not at all my brother
Endy Edeson
ok. that means you suggest people should be careful when they see things like this?
Izirigah Nwafor
hmmm. nawa ooo.
Olamidey Moses
Jesus with Gucci slippers
😳, there is God o

Ogunmade Horlamilekan
not convinced this is true because that is not our police uniform on
that woman,that man does not look like a Nigerian,and lastly if these
took place in Lagos,I trust Lagosian to be more than just 3 person at
the scene
Endy Edeson
I respect your opinion. In Lagos, many uniform organisations exist. The
photo was taken when the crowd was formulating @Olamide: yeah, this is
modern era. so don't be surprise if you find that on him
Oluwatoyin Obanla
no one be deluded,this picture has been online for well over two years
and besides, this Australian man who played Jesus has come out to asked
people to stop worshipping him,that he his not Jesus.
Ogunmade Horlamilekan
Well I still believe this is not real....probably a scene from a movie in an African country
Endy Edeson
You mean people should rather imagine Jesus and meditate instead of
using this popular Jesus Photos as a symbol of worship? I learnt no one
knows how Jesus look when he was on earth. @Ogunmade: strange things are
happening these days. It's not a movie
Olamidey Moses
one knw how Jesus look like, perhaps who believes if Jesus is white or
black? People r using white man as Jesus bcs they r d one brought this
religion to our country, what I knw is dat no one can describe how Jesus
look like physically to me, only his wonderful nd miraculous things he
always doing nd how powerful nd marvelous he his can only describe him
Endy Edeson
@Olamidey: You are right. Which church do you worship? I like your analysis? Are you a Roman Catholic?
Olamidey Moses
Am a redeemer ...RCCG
Endy Edeson
Oh that's great. Talking about pictures. I learnt your senior pastor.
E.A Adeboye doesn't allow any parish of Redeem church to use his photos
when advertising for church activities. I even noticed it myself. In
your church banners, Adeboye is not displayed unlike WINNERS CHAPEL that
uses Oyedepo's photos on their flyers, banners and posters. Can you
explain why Adeboye don't allow his image to be used on promotional
Prosper Akus Ebie
be sincere,is nt only winner dat display pictures on posters or fliers
but many other churches except RCCG that u observed.
Olamidey Moses
don't knw d reason why he didn't use his pictures but am sure he s a
true man of God nd he understand bible very well, am not born again yet
but I read my bible always nd I understand it a little nd God will help
me to understand it more, I learnt that God doesn't allow us to worship
any images nd he forbids anybody who does that in d bible, i will give u
some bible verses to back it up....our Lord is nt a man made nd he
extremely serious when he comes to worship image, pictures, Idols
etc.....exodus 20:4-6 you must not make urself an idol of any kind of an
image of anything in d heaven or on d earth or in d sea, Deuteronomy
4:23-24....exodus 34:14, psalm 97:7 says all who worship images are put to shame....Leviticus 26:1 says d same thing.....this makes me to believe that image is not Jesus or God
Endy Edeson
Now I get it. thanks
Endy Edeson
@prosper: sure. It's not as if it's bad to do so. I just wanted to know why Daddy G.O. of Redeem don't allow it
Endy Edeson
@Ifeanyi: hmmm. Well said, I am wondering why many Christians are bent on using Powell's image as Jesus despite his outcry