Texas is the second largest state in the United States by both area
and population after California. It is a very clean State. In the 1980s
Texas spent about $20 million a year cleaning up trash along its
highways with a slogan “Don’t mess with Texas,”
So, if you are a Nigerian and you wish to travel to Texas, please don’t litter Texas roads, otherwise the police will end up being your friend.
Abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures for women in the United States. Abortion became legal in US in 1973 but Texas has strict Abortion laws. According to the law, a woman must undergo an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion; the provider must show and describe the image to the woman. An abortion may be performed 22 weeks after the woman’s last menstrual period only if the woman’s life is endangered.
A Texas Democrat lawmaker, Jessica Farrar thinks what applies to women should also apply to men.
She is of the opinion that male masturbation is abortion and there should be law guiding men that masturbates in America. She proposed a bill that would fine a man $100 each time he masturbates. Farrar's bill would penalize men for masturbation because such behavior is a failure to preserve the sanctity of life and "an act against an unborn child.” The bill will subject men to strict medical attention before they can undergo vasectomy.
The word “maverick” not the “MMM” Maverick, was derived from a prominent Texas Lawyer, Samuel A. Maverick . The word means a person who thinks and acts in an independent way.
The largest city in Texas is Houston. It is also the fourth largest city in the United States. In 1969, First man to visit the moon, Neil Armstrong called Houston, Texas, from the moon. The first word spoken on the moon in 1969 was “Houston.”
Texas was an independent nation from 1836 to 1845. Texas was the 28th state in the U.S. and was admitted into the Union on December 29, 1845. All other states except Texas entered the United States by territorial annexation. Only Texas entered by treaty.
Texas is the largest petroleum-produ cing state in the U.S. and if it were an independent nation, it would rank as the world’s 5th largest petroleum-produ cing nation.
In 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower became the first Texas-born president of the U.S. The only other Texas-born president was Lyndon B. Johnson. Famous president John F Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.
Josefa “Chipita” Rodriguez (1799-1863) was the first and only woman ever legally hung in Texas. Her ghost is said to haunt the place where she died. Her last words were (I am not guilty). So, it’s not only in Nigeria people believe in ghosts and superstitions.
Thank you for reading. Which of the facts caught your attention?
Written & Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
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#TexasAbortionLa w # Jessica Farrar #AmericaNews #GhostMovies #UnitedStates #USA #AbortionLaw #MaleMasturbatio n #Masturbation
So, if you are a Nigerian and you wish to travel to Texas, please don’t litter Texas roads, otherwise the police will end up being your friend.
Abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures for women in the United States. Abortion became legal in US in 1973 but Texas has strict Abortion laws. According to the law, a woman must undergo an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion; the provider must show and describe the image to the woman. An abortion may be performed 22 weeks after the woman’s last menstrual period only if the woman’s life is endangered.
A Texas Democrat lawmaker, Jessica Farrar thinks what applies to women should also apply to men.
She is of the opinion that male masturbation is abortion and there should be law guiding men that masturbates in America. She proposed a bill that would fine a man $100 each time he masturbates. Farrar's bill would penalize men for masturbation because such behavior is a failure to preserve the sanctity of life and "an act against an unborn child.” The bill will subject men to strict medical attention before they can undergo vasectomy.
The word “maverick” not the “MMM” Maverick, was derived from a prominent Texas Lawyer, Samuel A. Maverick . The word means a person who thinks and acts in an independent way.
The largest city in Texas is Houston. It is also the fourth largest city in the United States. In 1969, First man to visit the moon, Neil Armstrong called Houston, Texas, from the moon. The first word spoken on the moon in 1969 was “Houston.”
Texas was an independent nation from 1836 to 1845. Texas was the 28th state in the U.S. and was admitted into the Union on December 29, 1845. All other states except Texas entered the United States by territorial annexation. Only Texas entered by treaty.
Texas is the largest petroleum-produ
In 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower became the first Texas-born president of the U.S. The only other Texas-born president was Lyndon B. Johnson. Famous president John F Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.
Josefa “Chipita” Rodriguez (1799-1863) was the first and only woman ever legally hung in Texas. Her ghost is said to haunt the place where she died. Her last words were (I am not guilty). So, it’s not only in Nigeria people believe in ghosts and superstitions.
Thank you for reading. Which of the facts caught your attention?
Written & Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
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Esther Uchebe
U ar so too much..so inspiring, d bill against masturbation cought my attention![]()
Olajide Crown Johnson
Why not @Esther Uchebe, Naa Only You Waka Come
Endy Edeson
@Esther: thanks. so the masturbation bill won't work ooo. How will they know if a man masturbates
Frank Chijioke Adeyinka
Raji Sekinat
The last paragraph' I am not guilty' so its not only in nigeria the innocent die of offence they know nothing about
Odeyemi Oluwasola
I never knew texas is d 2nd largest state in America bfor i tot is d largest..welldo ne!
Dozie Emmanuel
How will they know if someone masturbate . I will love to visit Dallas in texas
Conrad Agbebaku
knowledge is power but i dey laugh make them try masturbation bill for
Nigeria govt revenue go increase but not for men alone
Jeremiah Ademolu
Thanks for the info
Endy Edeson
Yeah. There is injustice in other parts of the world. @Jeremiah: thanks
for thanking me. @Agbebaku: Hahahahahaha. trust our senators they might
adopt Masturbation bill in Nigeria very soon. Everything is possible in
Nigeria. @Dozie: Maybe, they will use a technology that will detect
anyone masturbating in Texas. LOL. Don't forget me on your way to
Dallas. I wanna be there too. hehehehe. Let's get Americanised together.
@Odeyemi: Yeah, it's true. Thank you for appreciating this post.
@Crown: No be only Esther Waka Come Texas. I follow am come. @Frank: ok.
Agada Damian Gentle
i am pleased with DONT MESS WITH TEXAS
Endy Edeson
Yeah. I believe Nigerians going to Texas will be careful when traveling
to Texas (especially in the area of waste disposal) after reading this
post. Texas is not like Lagos where every Amaechi, Oluwatoyin and Musa
will throw waste along the road or indiscriminatel y
Oogunyemi Holuwartaryo Emmy Horladeeplenty
Na the ghost one jare.
Anthony Igebor Titi Ait
The origin of the word MAVERICK and Texas been the largest petroleum-produ cing state in the US caught my attention..
Endy Edeson
I guess you like watching Yoruba Ghost movies. Just kidding. Yeah,
there are ghosts but if you don't embrace or worship them, they will
have nothing to do with you. I don't like Ghosts or anything scaring.
@Igebor: Yeah, Maverick is becoming a common word due to the MMM saga.
If I may ask what is the origin of your last name "Ait". Does it have to
do with "Africa Independent Television"? Bros na joke ooo. But you can
still tell me what your own "Ait" means
Anthony Igebor Titi Ait
Lolz, Ait is just an acronym or an abbreviation of my name: Anthony Igebor Titi not Africa Independent Television
Endy Edeson
OK. Thank you. I thought it's Dokpesi's AIT
Bukky Adekoya Oyeyemi
Ghost and masturbation
Chris Amanze
I'm proud to call Texas home
Endy Edeson
you live in Texas? if so, Wow! you can share your experience with us.
@Bukky: ok. Ghost is scaring while masturbation is both good and bad.
Chukwuemeka Loveday Okwara
Nice one..thump up Endy
Uchenna Victor
Nice one eddy
Endy Edeson
@Loceday & victor: thanks for reading.