PLEASE NOTE: I am not an Atheist. I was born and raised in a
Christian background, to believe in the tenets of Jesus Christ "our dear
Lord". This post is only for information and topical purpose.
In case you don't know,
Atheists are intelligent people who don't belief in Christian God or any kind of god/gods. They don't worship Satan neither. Atheists think there is no God. They live by instinct. They are moralist and are working towards making the world a better place. Many Atheists are looking for ways for everyone to live forever.
They think Bible, Quran ...are work of fiction that is not meant for everybody.
They are of the notion that no body is meant to go to hell "fire" because humans are conscious beings created without their consent and as such are not liable to what happens in their lives. Atheists think if there is heaven, everybody will make it with or without being religious.
Atheists are not bad people, they are nice, very cautious, friendly and moralists. When you see them; greet them, respect them, befriend them, marry them...
In the olden days atheists were killed by the Christians and religious people for not believing in their gods. The persecution of atheists minorities has become a serious problem in some parts of the world. In Nigeria, where majority of the citizens are covered with the "blood of Jesus", Atheism is still not well known. When you tell someone you are an Atheist in Nigeria, they think you are evil or worship Satan, but that is not true. Atheists don't worship anything. They just don't see any sense in religion.
It may interest you to know that world richest man, Bill Gates is an Atheist, inventor of Iphone or Apple products Steve Jobs was an atheist before he died. Other notable atheists are; Nigerian writer, Wole Soyinka and the owner of nairaland forum, Seun Osewa.
In a historical first, President Barack Obama signed legislation on 16 December 2016 extending protections against religious persecution to atheists. It is now illegal to harass, disrespect or intimidate atheists in America.
The American Humanist Association or Atheists Association is proud to see this historic legislation signed into law and looks forward to working with the US Department of State to ensure religious liberty for atheists and religious minorities in other parts of the world.
Since America sets the pace, Nigeria Might also sign Atheism Rights Protection bill into law next year or in the near future.
1. Guys, do you know anyone that is an Atheist?
2. After reading this post; if you used to see Atheists as bad people, would you still see them as such?
3. Can you marry an Atheists or date them?
4. Would you support a law that protects Nigerian Atheists?
Written & Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
Read More News Stories on my News Blog
#AtheistRepublic #Atheism #AmericanAtheists #AtheistRights #ReligiousFreedom #Nonbelievers #Freedom #Liberty #AmericanNews
In case you don't know,
Atheists are intelligent people who don't belief in Christian God or any kind of god/gods. They don't worship Satan neither. Atheists think there is no God. They live by instinct. They are moralist and are working towards making the world a better place. Many Atheists are looking for ways for everyone to live forever.
They think Bible, Quran ...are work of fiction that is not meant for everybody.
They are of the notion that no body is meant to go to hell "fire" because humans are conscious beings created without their consent and as such are not liable to what happens in their lives. Atheists think if there is heaven, everybody will make it with or without being religious.
Atheists are not bad people, they are nice, very cautious, friendly and moralists. When you see them; greet them, respect them, befriend them, marry them...
In the olden days atheists were killed by the Christians and religious people for not believing in their gods. The persecution of atheists minorities has become a serious problem in some parts of the world. In Nigeria, where majority of the citizens are covered with the "blood of Jesus", Atheism is still not well known. When you tell someone you are an Atheist in Nigeria, they think you are evil or worship Satan, but that is not true. Atheists don't worship anything. They just don't see any sense in religion.
It may interest you to know that world richest man, Bill Gates is an Atheist, inventor of Iphone or Apple products Steve Jobs was an atheist before he died. Other notable atheists are; Nigerian writer, Wole Soyinka and the owner of nairaland forum, Seun Osewa.
In a historical first, President Barack Obama signed legislation on 16 December 2016 extending protections against religious persecution to atheists. It is now illegal to harass, disrespect or intimidate atheists in America.
The American Humanist Association or Atheists Association is proud to see this historic legislation signed into law and looks forward to working with the US Department of State to ensure religious liberty for atheists and religious minorities in other parts of the world.
Since America sets the pace, Nigeria Might also sign Atheism Rights Protection bill into law next year or in the near future.
1. Guys, do you know anyone that is an Atheist?
2. After reading this post; if you used to see Atheists as bad people, would you still see them as such?
3. Can you marry an Atheists or date them?
4. Would you support a law that protects Nigerian Atheists?
Written & Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
Read More News Stories on my News Blog
#AtheistRepublic #Atheism #AmericanAtheist
Bertha Nduka
Endy Edeson
ok. Bertha: do you know any Atheist in your area? have you seen or met any?
Taiwo Boluwaji Fatide
Yes, one of my lecturer is an atheist
Bertha Nduka
Hmmm. I just have friends who won't go to church, mosque nor shrine. l don't know what they believe on.
Bertha Nduka
Hmmm. I just have friends who won't go to church, mosque nor shrine. l don't know what they believe on.
Taiwo Boluwaji Fatide
@ endy if i may ask who created atheist? when they dont believe there is God.
Endy Edeson
Atheists think that no one actually knows how we all came to this
world. So they don't want to go by any assertion on the creation of the
universe. They just want to be neutral. @Bertha: that your friend is an
atheist. he might not know he is. There are unconscious Atheists
Folorunsho Quadri Opeyemi
i have an atheist has friend, very nice and kind person, i love being
with this guy always. May God continue to bless this guy. Though he did
not believe in God or any other supreme bein......
Ogbodo Henry C
might interest you to know that the owner of Facebook is a proud
atheist although he has Jewish background . atheist are good people.
don't be surprise that d number of atheists in heaven may surpass that
of the so called religious dudes. they are just humanists who compromise
Farotimi Oluwatosin Emmanuel
How...? Athiest go enter with God they dont believe,pls lecture me
Ogbodo Henry C
that knows all about God how far v u kept his laws. you keep one and
leave d other? thinking da only believing in him will take u to
heaven?LIE!. if god should v mercy on you i think he would first
mercy those da knows nothing about him dan u who claims to know him
better but still deliberately go astray.
Farotimi Oluwatosin Emmanuel
not qualify as a man,but he promise to grant me grace,only if O
believe,and i've done that.. then you cant judge if i keep God law or
not,bcus you'nt catch me at a sinful spot.. The only key to enter heaven
is through believe in God and His Christ not even through law or work
of moral... Heaven can only be enter through geniue repentance,its not a
club house,no unbeliever will enter heaven.... I know those that go to
church wothout knowledge of God speak like this,but I dont expect them
to say athiest will enter heaven... So if you employ a man and he keep
saying around that you dont exit or you ae death while alive
Will you pay his salary,even he was calling you names,saying he will pee in your mouth and many... Ingnorance is a disease i know that... and if you are not inform you are deformed...
Will you pay his salary,even he was calling you names,saying he will pee in your mouth and many... Ingnorance is a disease i know that... and if you are not inform you are deformed...
Ogbodo Henry C
quote u "no unbeliever will go to heaven" . are these unbelievers same
as sinners?if yeas da means you are one of these unbelievers and u wont
make heaven. huh!
Ogbodo Henry C
you said i cant judge u but u v already judge this people.huh!
Endy Edeson
@farotimi; With Due Respect And Without Taking Side, Henry Is Being Logical And He Is Explaining Life The Way It Is Not By...
Farotimi Oluwatosin Emmanuel
Henry you made mistake,i'm not a sinner... because you are not qualify to measure my righteousness...
but If its judgement I agreed,I judge athiest with what bible says..
John 3:16-20 say who does not believe is condermned already... so I
believe I'm not condermned..
you are just arguing blindly,has any athiest told you there is heaven..? Or tell me your knowledge and experience with them... Athiest dont believe in going to anywhere after death,but God that will never lie said.. all those that forget God shall be thrown to hell..
Your case is either you are calling God a liar or you are ingnorant of wat you are trying to be logical about...
@Endyson... he was trying to be logical but i'm trying to dig out the illogical part of his logical... very simple
you are just arguing blindly,has any athiest told you there is heaven..? Or tell me your knowledge and experience with them... Athiest dont believe in going to anywhere after death,but God that will never lie said.. all those that forget God shall be thrown to hell..
Your case is either you are calling God a liar or you are ingnorant of wat you are trying to be logical about...
@Endyson... he was trying to be logical but i'm trying to dig out the illogical part of his logical... very simple
Ogbodo Henry C
so "do not judge so u won't be judged " excluded atheist? lol!!!.
my bro just go to bed, rest your head on ur pillow and sleep soundly
for u and I know little about this world talk more of afterlife. HAPPY
Farotimi Oluwatosin Emmanuel
Are you telling me you are christian..?...
Then go and begin to read bible,and pls if you have not given you life
to christ do so.. no jungle,no short cut,Jesus is the way to heaven...
bible judged them not me... the greatest mistake a man can do is to get
to the top of very long ladder and notice he was on wrong ladder.... the
great evil man can do himself is to pay tithe,attend church every
sunday and after death end up in hell mainly because of simple
self-centred opinion... Pls be wise
Marry Christmas.. love u
Marry Christmas.. love u
Endy Edeson
@Ogbodo: you are right. life is deeper than what most people think? @Quadri: good to know about that
Martins Opara
I wish i'd see the smile on ur face when you typed 'i am not an
atheist'.. Oh boy, you don forget that our int'l group here on facebook
where you are very active via comments! Abi make i bring screenshots?
Adebanjo Oladele Samuel
Gibberish! Obama gets crazier day-by -day!
Martins Opara
The problem with the world is judging people by a tag.. Like, how does someone being a believer or atheist/agnostic
make them less or super human? How atheist throw it in everyone's face
that 'hey, i am an atheist' doesn't make sense. I wish we could exist
in a world where all these beliefs would be left for just ourselves..
Where we don't think to be superior to, targeted by, or inferior to
others cause we have a certain view.. It shouldn't even matter!
Efe Omoniyi
God is not dead. if u believe there isnt God. oyo
Endy Edeson
you mean "Atheist Republic" ?. Oh! If it is that one, I go there to
learn about the deep side of life. Nothing much. So you a member of the
group too? I love to reason that's why I do visit them once in a while
@Efe: Well, Life is a personal race. The world is moving towards
Secularism. @Adebanjo: Obama just have fews days to leave office. I
think Obama stress more on human rights than religious morality
Emmanuel Divine
like seriously
Oloruntola Kayode Stephen Oluwaseuntitilaelae
Anyboday that is not in Christ is bad
Oloruntola Kayode Stephen Oluwaseuntitilaelae
many ways lead to hell but only one way leads to heaven. Jesus is the
only way that leads to heaven, let me ask somebody here can you be
citizen of even America itself without visa, green card, without passing
through the right channel? so also can no one go to heaven on the basis
of being good without submitting to the lordship of Jesus christ
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
Hahahaha. I have no problem with any good human no matter their religion.
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
reason why all these religionists annoy me is cos of their supremacist
thinking. Christians believe without their way you're doomed. Muslims
believe the same thing too. Yet, both claim to serve the same God. The
same God yet both don't believe in each other's way. Supremacist
thinking is like segregation and religionists do that a lot.
Endy Edeson
compliment of the season my brother. you just nailed it. Many of them
don't even know anything about what they are practicing. They are just
acting on indoctrination
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
Compliments Bro. Hypocrites everywhere. With the religion we have in
this nation a lot of bad people still abound. You can be a good human
without religion. If you need religion to tell you how to be good then
you're a doomed human.
Endy Edeson
I laugh whenever I see politicians in Church because they know that's
the easiest way to gain more supporters. So, religion is deeper than
what many perceive it to be
Farotimi Oluwatosin Emmanuel
dont blame you... because you are regular customer of Athiest
republic... They lack moral,they dont respect people believe and they
always against anything about God... can you tell me how good they
are...?... If they dont want to believe God,they should keep it to
themselves but talking against God with form of unreasonable language
demoral them