Edeson Online News has gathered that more than 100 bankers may lose
their jobs for luring their bank customers into investing in the failed
MMM Just for 10% commission.
However, after conquering naive South Africans, Zimbabweans and Nigerians, we learnt MMM has taken its message to Kenya, {promising} 40% return on investment.
The scheme, which calls itself a Global financial social network but is really just a Ponzi scheme was created by Russian "smart man", Sergei Mavrodi.
We pray those affected by MMM recover their money by January 2017. Amen.
Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
Read More News Stories on my News Blog
#MMMNigeria #MMM #MMMSouthAfrica #MMMZimbabwe #PonziScheme #FinancialCrime #MoneyMaking #InternetScam #InternetFraud
However, after conquering naive South Africans, Zimbabweans and Nigerians, we learnt MMM has taken its message to Kenya, {promising} 40% return on investment.
The scheme, which calls itself a Global financial social network but is really just a Ponzi scheme was created by Russian "smart man", Sergei Mavrodi.
We pray those affected by MMM recover their money by January 2017. Amen.
Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
Read More News Stories on my News Blog
#MMMNigeria #MMM #MMMSouthAfrica #MMMZimbabwe #PonziScheme #FinancialCrime #MoneyMaking #InternetScam #InternetFraud
Arowolo Oluwagbenga Benjamin
Arogundade Olumide S
Aturo ta bi elubo....edyson on ur own nla
Uche Okor
Thank God i didn't put one kobo with them.
Arogundade Olumide S
Edison oni iro nla
Endy Edeson
@olumide: mi oni iro oooo... mafu yin ogbonge Iroyin
Browayson John Annagu
Time will tell if thy have actually deserted naija for Kenya truly,only time will tell Endy
Stanley Igbins
before u post any news try and update ur self...MMM is working fine
here so I wonder were u got the news that it has failed???this is d
first time ur posting a news that is totally absurd.
Terna Naize Iorjah
is not the first time my brother He said sometime back that somebody
killed himself cos of mmm that was several weeks before the frozen
stuff......he is just a learner
Arogundade Olumide S
@ Endy Edeson,
have been your follower for a while now.. But on this one... Iro nla
lo mu wa fun wa... Bro it's better you put it the it is..
Arogundade Olumide S
The way it is
Browayson John Annagu
I also disagree with u on this Endy Edeson..
Cos d site is still accessible, & u of all pple saying that MMM has
packed & moved to Kenya is appalling.. It shows u don't actually
knw what u are reporting. Pls do some more research cos this one doesn't
Enyinda Nathaniel Okey
I read about the Kenya MMM before I read from Endy. Endy got it right.
Common sense should inform us that for the very scheme that told
millions of Nigerians to wait till mid January...to open immediate
office in Kenya... e get as e be. Thank God for information
technology... the world is wired for those who wish to know
Browayson John Annagu
Hw e be?,all I knw is dat time will tell,cos Endy's report is based on speculations & so is urs
Stanley Igbins
So what concerns Nigeria with Kenyan?,
Endy Edeson
you have to think deep after reading a news story. I always maintained
on this platform that "there is more to a news story than meets the
eyes". The thing is, any emotional intelligent person should be wary of
over-hyped money schemes. Am not against the MMM stuff but i think
people should invest wisely. @Enyinda: January will tell it all. I pray
mmm unlocks their money. I also think many mmm participants will
"RETHINK" after January 20, 2017 weather they get their money back or
Browayson John Annagu
Yea, I knw there always is more to a story than meets d eye Endy
& we all are adults in d first instance, can make decisions for
ourslvs as u knw,so this is more like somthn any adult can handle either
way it goes and for ur info no one was put under dures when we all
registered & of course we all knew it would com to an end one
day,but it hasn't yet,this is first hand information moreover I dnt knw
why d Nigerian mass media & govt are both so against this system
that has/still helping me,U & so many others when d government of d
day has failed we d youths & d nation.. Why won't so many of us go
for what we knw is real than what our govt can offer us?,no post u make
about MMM will make us blv cos if u are in d system u won't write such
reports,not cos I am a die hard mbr or anything but for the fact that we
all are reasonable adults,no one shld tell d other what to think or say
we shld blv what d mass media writes,cos all of it is second hand
information. So I refuse to blv ur story this time around.
Ogundeji Olaniyi Oriyomi
MMM! Who you help?
Terna Benshog Shogodo
Monkey Money Madness
DjLapel Shizu
MMM Gbera!!! Aja sare owo jo nor
Charles Nwoko
who you EPP??? You'all need to stop these crazy shit about MMM. If you
don't understand the system ask questions for enlightenment. Besides,
the money in question isn't yours so what's your pain????
Balogun Saheed
Moku Mogbe Modaran
Mazi Uche Chimadaada
Eddyjoe Benson
MMM is gone stop encouraging yourselves