Guys, What do you think?
Guys, What do you think?
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Zaki Tor likes this.
Nwigwe Ogochukwu Anne
Wonders will never end!
Ty Taylorsign
Nawa oo
Chukwunweike James Nnakwue Nnaemena
it makes sense
Prince Raheem Samod Babatunde
d man himself was once an APE!!! My question now is that ''Is d Ape now
gonna give birth to Baby ape or human being?'' I'm genuinely curious!
Thank God it is nt a 3yr old kid dis one impregnate dis tym. Those who
are like d man shld start going 4 ANIMALS. E.g, goat, sheep, cow, horse,
donkey, gorrilla, monkey, dog, hen, and so on. Pls, add yours!
Jeremiah Ademolu
Funny but truth.
Jeremiah Ademolu
Funny but truth.
Sadiq Abubakar Sadiq
For further reading, give us your reference.... I browsed through your blog but there was nothing like that.
Endy Edeson
i have not updated it on my blog yet. the incident happened in
Indonesia. you can google it and read what other publishers wrote about
it. thank you.
Olajide Young Johnson
Nnakwue James makes sense for real, atleast they should start doing it
with animals instead of spoiling the life of young kids.
Ryan Oktavianto
I am Indonesian and I don't even find a single issue of this my country. Sorry to say but this is doesn't make sense.
I do hope you Endy Edeson clarify this clearly. Show us your source.
I do hope you Endy Edeson clarify this clearly. Show us your source.
Bekere Becky Afaka
Very sick zoo keeper! Consensual sex? Did the ape talk to him?
Elvis Julius
INDONESIA: ZOO KEEPER ACCUSED OF IMPREGNATING FEMALE ORANGUTAN Surabaya | A zoo keeper at Indonesia’s Surabaya zoo has been arrested and charged with sexual assault on a number of animals and even, strangely enough, of impregnating a female orangutan, reports the Kalimantan Press this morning. The 38-year-old zoo keeper was filmed in full action by a series of hidden cameras put in place by the zoo’s security officials after doubts emerged about the man’s devious actions towards the zoo animals. “Some animals seemed sexually aroused when it was time to feed them” explains Akhiroel Yahya, employee of the zoo for 14 years. “But what made us most suspicious was when we discovered Marylin, our oldest orangutan, was pregnant. She has never been in contact with any other orangutans because of her aggressive nature, so it didn’t make any sense” he acknowledges, visibly troubled by the news. The Surabaya zoo authorities became highly suspicious when Marylin, the zoo’s eldest female orangutan, was found pregnant three months ago A “total mystery” The zoo officials admit it took them sometime before being able to explain what had actually happened. “At first, we clearly did not comprehend what had happened,” admits the zoo’s director, Abdoel Hakim. “Marilyn has been secluded for the past 10 years, it was a total mystery,” he acknowledges. “It is only when we placed several hidden cameras that we learned the horrible truth” he admits, visibly angered by the whole situation. Consensual acts of “kindness” When confronted by local authorities, the offender denied any wrong doing on his part. “He said everything he had done was consensual,” explains police chief Abubakar Jaar. “He said he loved each and everyone of the animals and was very sorry he had impregnated the orangutan,” he told local reporters. “He says he did not know orangutans could get pregnant from humans,” he added. A rare “genetic predisposition”Idowu Idowu
hahahahahahahah aha.......
He's too weak to control his libido/konji spirit. I once remember when
Spirit of konji took over me, there's this facially challenged lady in
my street that I approached, thank God we postponed the appointment.
mere looking at her the following day, I thank God I controlled the
konji spirit.
Ibrahim A Bukar
wahahahahaha pls Edi dont kill us okey remain the birth news animal or human dont forget