Chief magistrate Court 1, Kaduna, denied the lecturer bail because investigations are still on as to why a leaned lecturer should post such a comment on social media. He may spend the rest of his live in jail if he is linked with any terror group.
Tomisin 'Hikmah' Ladipo and 3 others like this.
Jessy Brewer
Chai ! No freedom of speech
Endy Edeson
jessy: there is a limit to freedom
Nwigwe Chinweikpe
nawao for you oh, limit to what even Obama is been critised and no body
goes to jail then na this peadofile go trow person for jail for talking
that means He was behind that bill against social media.
Danny Gold
Endy Edeson, am suspecting you oooh
Mercy Dan
d change they promised us! But one thing I know is, there's time and
season for everything. Buhari's season is here and will go just like
time and season.
Bennard Ahupa
will distroy our democracy! Don't forget that is what u were doing that
push IBB to collect power frm you o ! N him still day alive o.
Baba Tunde Saheed Ayinde
do u have the proof dat buhari himself order for his arrest? wutever u say wld be used againt u..
Comrade Joseph Tyokoso
was it not on Facebook that GEJ was called all names? Was it not on
Facebook that they finished PDP to pave way for his election?.
Osafu Abusomwan
today i went to buy card and to my surprise 750 fixed charge was
removed but tarrif now #24.8 for residential. Buhari where are we going