Edeson Online News gathered that the
transfer of money through Point of Sale, Automated Teller Machines and
mobile money transactions may will generate revenue of about N2.5
billion daily for the government.
Nigerian Economists suggest
that the N50 stamp duty on bank customers will not encourage Nigerians
to save money in the bank as majority of them are either small business
owners or low income earners
Nigerians are of the opinion that
the Buhar-led administration may end up not accounting to the said
revenue being generated from the N50 stamp duty. With this policy, the
government will take from Nigerians with Nigerians having little hope of
taking from the government.
Francis C. Isuh likes this.
Oluwaseun Praise O'neal
If u don't have anything to write close ur blog or do ur findings before posting nonsense
Sebastian Chukwudumebi Egbuneonwo
o! them no go kill person for this country. if this is true and they
are going to implement it, then i have no choice than keeping my money
in d house.
Endy Edeson
what is wrong with the article. don't talk to me like that.did i tell
lie or write against anyone? it's a policy analysis.
Oluwaseun Praise O'neal
a financial expert about stamp duty, it has been in existence as signed
into law since day days of ur Jonathan and he was timid to make it
happen. We can't as a nation depend on one singular source of funding
our budgets and we should seek alternate means which bomb is doing. Now
this law woolly have little effect on low class earners cos we do
transport huge monies. We forbids pos to buy pepper in d mkt and we
don't go to game or shopright. That sounds well abi but we are going to
pay but not like dat middle class and high class
Endy Edeson
i'm not kicking against the stamp duty but what matters to many
Nigerians is how this stamp duty will be remitted and utilized.
Nigerians want full account of their cash and want to benefit from it.
Endy Edeson
@jesse: are you saying the story is false or you have not heard about it?
Oluwaseun Praise O'neal
Then change ur caption
Don't heat d polity.
If it's been last administration we camber afraid that d money won't be utilised but with pmb. Kirikiri awaits looters u know and I know he focused on power and food supply. We can be better without oil u know and we can survive
Don't heat d polity.
If it's been last administration we camber afraid that d money won't be utilised but with pmb. Kirikiri awaits looters u know and I know he focused on power and food supply. We can be better without oil u know and we can survive
Endy Edeson
"TRUST" is the watchword is this scenario. How far can we trust?. If
we don't raise alarm now concerning how we feel, the government may take
things lightly. This post is like a reminder to the government that
Nigerians are watching. It is no longer business as usual.
Oluwa Constance Fyno
una dey attack d writter naaah.if his finidings are not true would he
post anytin abi naa today una dey see hym news onlIne!!!!!!!!
Na wa ooOoo eko o ni baje
Na wa ooOoo eko o ni baje
Oluwaseun Praise O'neal
But we all raise alarms now, did we do that during the last administration, no.
But we are yet to agree that business is not as usual again. Pmb movement is bringing reward and we are happy. Do u ever think that we have an arms funds elsewhere. That some cabals are sharing and leave us all in penury. Now we must support this govt who are ready to salvage US from this trauma. We can only help pmb by prayer and steadfastness. Also we shouldn't give in for false information that goes about.
But we are yet to agree that business is not as usual again. Pmb movement is bringing reward and we are happy. Do u ever think that we have an arms funds elsewhere. That some cabals are sharing and leave us all in penury. Now we must support this govt who are ready to salvage US from this trauma. We can only help pmb by prayer and steadfastness. Also we shouldn't give in for false information that goes about.
Endy Edeson
@fyno: good to know, you see the elements in my stories. thanks
Eze Solomon Emeka
happen to all the natural resources? abi na only oil we get? you sow to
a nation before you start reaping, reaping from where you don't sow is
extortion, what do business men benefit from the government? in an
economy where there's no road, good transport system, electricity, water
supply, and other infrastructures.
You feed a cow before you start milking it, cos milking an unhealthy hungry cow ravaged by economic trauma is murder.
Some can't afford three nutritious meal in a day but the president budgeted millions of naira for his feeding, how much is the minimum wage? may God save us from this "change"
You feed a cow before you start milking it, cos milking an unhealthy hungry cow ravaged by economic trauma is murder.
Some can't afford three nutritious meal in a day but the president budgeted millions of naira for his feeding, how much is the minimum wage? may God save us from this "change"
Emmanuel Gilbert
wonder why someone will be acting as advocate for govt. bad economic
policy, how is the N50 stamp duty not wicked and illegal, this new CBN
governor is just initiating and implementing pharaohic policies to the
detriment of Nigerians, I pray and knw he will soon b disgraced, my
concern is that this administration which says its for the masses just
watches Nigerians being milked dry, God will help us
Oluwaseun Praise O'neal
how do u want the budget to be funded. Money's from tax. Monies from
dues etc. Tell me when last did u pay for ur TV and radio license. Car
stereo license etc. We are not ready in Ds country. Ask ur brother in UK
hoe much they paid to govt directly in taxes and dues, let's be
fightefor values for our monies and not be archaic in reasoning
Emmanuel Gilbert
smart guy your smart point of reasoning is to charge people for
depositing their money in bank, do u know how much I pay govt for shop
tax, firs tax, sign-post tax and more, when u are been fed and all your
bills r taken care of by the govt or an organization u don't knw what
people go through to make things happen, this is not UK where things
work, tell ur govt to make things work here first
Emmanuel Gilbert
ur president to reduce just his allowance and that of his aids and
agencies and there will be enough money to go round or are Nigerians
supposed to fund their excesses??
Oluwaseun Praise O'neal
much can u realised from his allowance and dat of his aides, rem he has
reduced it already. Let gej and co return all stolen monies and tell ur
lawyers brother not to defend the corrupt in court.
Emmanuel Gilbert
and check the budget b4 u come to talk in the public, only the
president and white house allowance can feed a whole village, your
brother is also among the defenders if you dont knw, Nigeria can never
live on only returned money, the govt should hav a brain to tap our
resources and harness them, than just telling us of stolen money
Ezenwa Okorocha Peculiar
stop those incompetent UK tax excuses, why not mention other countries
dat have better policies for their citizens, Must we do it UK way? But
if we must do it so, have you ever imagined the standard of living in
UK? My friend you only pay for TV licence if you can afford more TVs in
your house dan Gov. approved you should.
Eze Solomon Emeka
I listen to some people, I have no option than to laugh, that is how
much partisan politicking has eating deep into the mind and brain of
some fellow Nigerians, comparing UK to Nigeria is like comparing heaven
and hell.
Oluwaseun Praise O'neal
Una well done ooo
Akintoye Oluwafemi Akeem
Let pay fırst then we ask how ıt wıll be spend. 50 ıs too small.
Benson P. Benson
Stop spreading false news to incite the public. It is normal to pay stamp duty.
Endy Edeson
@benson: what we are talking about is "BEYOND STAMP DUTY"
Akande Ebenezer Olusanjo
My Money in my local bank "Kolo" in yoruba