Edeson Online News has learnt about a rare gesture displayed by a
group of Kenyan Muslims. Many thought Muslims are enemies to Christians
but these Muslims proved that point wrong when they helped to shield and
protect Christians during a terror attack in Kenya. According
to information Edeson Online News gathered, the Muslims and Christians
were traveling on a bus when Islamic Terrorists ambushed them and asked
the passengers to split.
The Muslim passengers protected Christian passengers by refusing to split into groups, according to eyewitnesses. They told the militants "to kill them together or leave them alone", .
However, We learnt two persons were killed in the attack and Somali based Al-Shabab group is the main suspect for the attack.
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Olajide Young Johnson
Endy Edeson
that's peace in the world @johnson
Mercy Dan
can we say the same in Naija?
Adeyemi Seun
9ja 4 watin,na der u go dy hear pigin onpon pigin.#llollz
Michael Ikechukwu Owoh
are different type of Muslims. There are true Muslim's who preach peace
and love and hypocrite Muslim's who preach hate and destruction just
like we have in Christianity today.
Olajide Young Johnson
Peace and Unity Is The Only Survival Kits That Is Missing In This Country Now--- I Pray We Found It Soon.
Pat Okafor
Thank God