President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday in Abuja directed the central command of the military to relocate to Maiduguri, Borno, to intensify the fight against Boko Haram insurgency. Buhari, who gave the directive in his address after his inauguration, said it was impossible to achieve victory against the insurgents if the command continued to operate from Abuja. He said that the command center would relocate and remain in Maiduguri until the insurgents were subdued.No where in the History of world military History will the military central command
be located right in the combat zone it is the height of unprofessional- ism which is about to force me to revisit the issue of Buhari certificate scandal. let us use the United state of America model as a case study .
be located right in the combat zone it is the height of unprofessional-
Military Central command are non combatants they are not infantry units but expertise from various field of course
Central Command headquarters staff directorates include personnel, intelligence, operations, logistics, plans & policy, information systems, training & exercises, and resources, and other functions. The intelligence section is known as Joint Intelligence Center, Central Command, or JICCENT, which serves as a Joint Intelligence Center for the co-ordination of intelligence. Under the intelligence directorate, there are several divisions
In the United State the Central Military Command directs four "service component commands" and one subordinate unified command and no fighting units directly subordinate to it:
The United States Army Central (USARCENT), and the United States Air Forces Central Command (USAFCENT), both headquartered at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, the U.S. Marine Forces Central Command (USMARCENT), headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida and the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (USNAVCENT), headquartered at Naval Support Activity Bahrain in the Kingdom of Bahrain. MacDill Air Force Base also hosts a Sub-unified command called the Special Operations Command Central (USSOCCENT).
In 1983, U.S. Military Central Command was established to succeed the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force, formed at MacDill AFB, Florida on 1 March 1980, to handle US national security interests in Southwest Asia, Central Asia and the Persian G
The USA Central Military Command main headquarters is located at MacDill Air Force Base, in Tampa, Florida. A forward headquarters was established in 2002 at Camp As Sayliyah in Doha, Qatar, which in 2009 transitioned to a forward headquarters at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar to serve American strategic interests interest in the following countries as the Area of Responsibilty.
Area of Responsibility Countries for USA Central Military Command Located in Mac Dill Air force Base in Tampa Florida..
Saudi Arabia
Tactically its a great Blunder for Mr Buhari to relocated the Military Central command right into sambisa forest when he knew quite well that these people are non combatants they are not infantry soldiers and their area of responsibilty covers a wider area than just boko haram. they monitor , deploy and protect both Nigeria air land and water from both internal and external aggression.
Relocating Nigeria military Central Command to frontline war zone is the most senseless decision any president have ever taken and such action is capable of endangering Nigeria external security an outside force may invade the nation of Nigeria in time like these..
This wrong decision calls for us to revisit Buhari certificate scandal and how he come about his title of Major General when he is incapable of simple kindergarten Military Decision.
Ifeduba ThankGod T ( political Analyst writes in from Anambra state)
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2 people like this.
Eze Solomon Emeka
It's a deadly decision
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
Who's this? There's also a broken structure in our military now. Structurally, they're not intact. The command centre is far away from the real men fighting. The CC have also been a little insincere in there fight. This man also makes it seem like a CC isn't movable. It is. You can move it to a war front if you deem it fit and if you feel it'll give you an advantage. He mentions the US that has a poor record of fighting insurgency, or even going to wars in general. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan have been failures. Why use them as an example? Does he know how the Red Army (Soviet Union) resisted the Germans? They moved almost all their forces to the frontline of the war. The Russians have a saying that they have the numbers (people) and ergo why they do so. They lost more people in the WW2 than any nation but it was a necessary evil for them to resist Germany. Its shameful when Nigerians keep referring to America at every turn like they're the beacon or that they have a successful template for people to copy.
Osuntokun David
Blunder? That is the best decision that can quiclkly defeat boko haram, no room for any Oga inside air-condition at Abuja directing his junior officer, let their be together at the war-front to face the terrorist
Osuntokun David
Endy realy dissappointed in what you just posted
Tivlumun Kevin Jnr
I don't blame u, u re 4rm anambara
Polycarpz Igboon
When is Eddeson became a security expert? That will be telling a president who was a former Army General,on what to do on the security affairs of the country........ ....
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
Why una dey blast Endy? He's just reporting what someone said. Tis news
Endy Edeson
@AT POLYCARP & OLUWASOLA: please kindly read very well before you comment. I wrote the name of the writer after the article. i gave credit to him. It's an OPINION NEWS. so take take. My PAGE is in form of a FORUM. News stories can be sourced or written by me. I think we've passed the stage when you will be making direct attack on me on a matter i tabled. It's a platform, you discussed the issue and not to unnecessarily blast the poster. @JESSE: thanks for your understanding
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
Endy, no probs. Some people are son engrossed in the message they shoot the messenger. Tis what tis.
Endy Edeson
@OLUWASOLA: read your comment again. you are not backing me. Please no abuse on me, if you visit my website, i write some of my stories and i also source from other platforms and give credit to them.
Korede Adesanya
ve seen this baseless post somewhere.....Endy Edeson, if u dare post or upload any this anti-progress post.....i will b out of ur page
Endy Edeson
@korede: there is no govt without criticism. in as much as am objective in my motives, i think constructive criticism can re-awaken the mind of our leaders. We must not dance to the music of our leaders