1. 1. Mentor: A mentor is the person you look up to, you trust his opinions
and provides advice, wise counsel, a listening ear to your ideas and provides
strategic directions for your business.
2. 2. Encourager: he keeps the fire burning within you.
3. 3. Believer: A believer is a strong believer in your dreams
and future.
4. 4. Connector: Connects you to your desired network, which eventually
determines your net worth.
5. 5. Resource Person: A resource person is one who gives you that what and
6. 6. Financier: He supports you financially.
7. 7. Supporter: This person is in the one that prays for you regularly.
To determine who these people are in your life, follow this;
List seven people who are influential in your life at some
point in the past.
List seven people who are currently influential in your life.
List seven people who you would like to play a
role in your life.