Good Friday is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the CRUCIFIXION and DEATH of Jesus Christ at Calvary. (Matthew 26:31 & Matthew 27:1-end).
The Church treats Good Friday as a fast day, which in the Latin Rite of the Church is understood as having ONLY ONE FULL MEAL or TWO SMALL MEALS. It is also a day on
which the faithful ABSTAIN FROM MEAT, ABSTAIN FROM MEAT, ABSTAIN FROM MEAT!(ALL FORMS OF MEAT). The church recommends this fasting for EVERYBODY within the ages of 18-59years. In other words it is OBLIGATORY for those within this age bracket except for those who can't make it on the grounds of ill-health, pregnancy, mannual labour, or any other SERIOUS ISSUE(not flimsy excuses). Abstinence from meat is for those from 14yrs & above. #Anyone who doesn't fall within the age bracket but is SURE he can partake in thie Fasting and Abstinence is encouraged to do so#. REMEMBER: FASTING WITHOUT PRAYER IS MERE STARVATION;BE SURE TO HAVE YOUR INTENTIONS OF PRAYER AS YOU FAST. Fasting and Abstinence is a reminder of what it means to suffer. This can not be compared in any way to what our Lord suffered for us. Therefore it is not to be met with misery but with great joy as we better understand the incredible sacrifice Christ made for humanity. The celebrations of today are usually kicked off by dramatic 'Stations of the Cross'(Passion of Christ). THERE IS NO MASS IN THE CHURCH TODAY.(This is the only day the church doesn't celebrate mass). What is celebrated is the Communion Service of the Passion of our Lord. You'll notice that the altar will be BARE without decorations except when it's time for communion. (At this point a white cloth is spread on the altar). The bells are also SILENT today with a clapper as substitute.
The liturgy consists of three parts: the Liturgy of the Word, the Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion. The Liturgy of the word is taken as usual. It ends with intercessory prayers for various intentions to which we kneel and stand repeatedly. The unveiling of the crucifixes which were covered up two sundays ago comes next. After the unveiling comes the veneration-kissing of the cross.
The Holy Communion rites begin with 'Our Father'. The consecrated host of the Lord's supper on Holy Thursday is what is distributed to the faithful. After this, the priest and people then depart in silence, and the altar cloth is
removed, leaving the altar bare except for the cross and two or four candlesticks.
...and he said: "IT IS FINISHED"... Let us all make this day a day of SOBER REFLECTION. This is indeed supposed to be a day of GREAT SORROW. But because we know that HIS DEATH brings us LIFE.....we are GREATFUL. Hence the name-GOOD FRIDAY. It should have been a BAD FRIDAY. Do not worry much brethren, He'll rise again on sunday. Shalom!
1. What does this day mean to you?
2. How did you spend it?
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