Good day guys, my name is
Endy Edeson but some people call me PROFESSOR, maybe because of the way i
dress and behave. You are welcome to my first ever SEMINAR on FACEBOOK. Today we shall be discussing about TALENTS.
Unarguably, i’m a talented young man and i have areas of weakness but i capitalize on my strength. I’m talented in creative thinking, writing and dreaming BIG. Today, i’m an Independent Online Journalist. I knew i will be a Journalist someday because when i was a teenager, i like asking questions, interviewing people and investigating issues.
For you to discover your talent, the following questions will guide you;
What did you ALWAYS dream about doing or becoming? What did you dream about doing when you were a kid? What kind of success in other people´s lives make you the most jealous or uncomfortable with your life when you see it? (even if it´s in a movie, song, book or real life).What do you do that makes you burst into a genuinely happy smile?
Have you discovered your talent or you haven’t?
Don't compare yourself with others. Everyone has some talents in their blood. Try to realize that all of us have some unique skill sets and personality traits that give us high competence in some areas. If you face your fears you may come up with an idea of your hidden talent. If you want to dance just go and dance. Don't restrain yourself from doing what your inner heart says.
Don't be shy. You don't need to be great to start; but you must start to be great. Every one starts some where. Start small and give it your all.
The best way to discover a hidden talent is to think about what you love to do. What have you always wanted to try but haven't yet? What do you see others doing that you wish you were doing? The best tip for discovering your hidden talent is simply to think about what you love to do!
In order to find your sweet spot, or your unique gift, think of those things that come easy to you. To you it's no big deal, but to others, it's incredible. What are those things that others come to you for that for you, it's as easy as breathing and you'd do it for fun whether you were paid or not? When your operating out of your sweet spot, your true talent will shine!
Each day set aside 2-3 minutes of quiet time to contemplate a project or idea you are working on - give yourself space and time to do this, if you get distracted write a note. The idea here is to let your mind wander, we don't see idle thinking as work yet most of us know our best ideas pop into our heads when we're not thinking about anything in particular. So sit, be quiet and just wander, you will find wild, wacky and creative ideas that you can later develop or reject but which might just give you a whole new way to look at your world.
Past Memories:
Think about and write down the best accomplishments, achievements and activity successes you are most proud of, even back to childhood. Patterns will emerge as you scan all of them and your hidden talents will come up. They may be talents that you are not currently using in your present job which may indicate a career change would make you happier.
LISTEN! Listen to people that know you. You may not be that aware of the things you do best but people who know you do.
Unarguably, i’m a talented young man and i have areas of weakness but i capitalize on my strength. I’m talented in creative thinking, writing and dreaming BIG. Today, i’m an Independent Online Journalist. I knew i will be a Journalist someday because when i was a teenager, i like asking questions, interviewing people and investigating issues.
For you to discover your talent, the following questions will guide you;
What did you ALWAYS dream about doing or becoming? What did you dream about doing when you were a kid? What kind of success in other people´s lives make you the most jealous or uncomfortable with your life when you see it? (even if it´s in a movie, song, book or real life).What do you do that makes you burst into a genuinely happy smile?
Have you discovered your talent or you haven’t?
Don't compare yourself with others. Everyone has some talents in their blood. Try to realize that all of us have some unique skill sets and personality traits that give us high competence in some areas. If you face your fears you may come up with an idea of your hidden talent. If you want to dance just go and dance. Don't restrain yourself from doing what your inner heart says.
Don't be shy. You don't need to be great to start; but you must start to be great. Every one starts some where. Start small and give it your all.
The best way to discover a hidden talent is to think about what you love to do. What have you always wanted to try but haven't yet? What do you see others doing that you wish you were doing? The best tip for discovering your hidden talent is simply to think about what you love to do!
In order to find your sweet spot, or your unique gift, think of those things that come easy to you. To you it's no big deal, but to others, it's incredible. What are those things that others come to you for that for you, it's as easy as breathing and you'd do it for fun whether you were paid or not? When your operating out of your sweet spot, your true talent will shine!
Each day set aside 2-3 minutes of quiet time to contemplate a project or idea you are working on - give yourself space and time to do this, if you get distracted write a note. The idea here is to let your mind wander, we don't see idle thinking as work yet most of us know our best ideas pop into our heads when we're not thinking about anything in particular. So sit, be quiet and just wander, you will find wild, wacky and creative ideas that you can later develop or reject but which might just give you a whole new way to look at your world.
Past Memories:
Think about and write down the best accomplishments, achievements and activity successes you are most proud of, even back to childhood. Patterns will emerge as you scan all of them and your hidden talents will come up. They may be talents that you are not currently using in your present job which may indicate a career change would make you happier.
LISTEN! Listen to people that know you. You may not be that aware of the things you do best but people who know you do.