It is an undeniable fact that we all want to succeed in this life. Success does not belong to certain set of people in the society. It belongs to everyone but you have to work for it.
If you are an aspiring musician, the music industry does not belong to Olamide, Wizkid, 2Face etc. If you are an aspiring blogger, blogging is not a property of Linda Ikeji. If you want to be a footballer, you can also be as big as Ahmed Musa or Cristiano Ronaldo.
The banking industry is not owned by big men like Herbert Wigwe, the MD/CEO of Access Bank. Whatever your career path is, you can make it if you believe in yourself but never compare yourself with anyone. Do your thing and set your success goals.
Talented Nigerian music producer and singer, Cobhams Asuguo in his trending song “One Hit Song” captures the minds of every dream chaser. Dripping with a lot of soul, Cobhams records a very thoughtful song that captures the topmost desire in the heart of all aspiring musicians thus inspiring every talent who aspires to make a difference with their gift.
Excerpts from the Lyrics: “Give me one hit song Lord! Let me blow like Olamide”
There is no limit to what you can achieve in life. Even Olamide is wishing to be something or aspiring to be bigger despite the height he has attained in life. So, don’t you ever stop planning for your life. You can achieve that goal.
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If you are an aspiring musician, the music industry does not belong to Olamide, Wizkid, 2Face etc. If you are an aspiring blogger, blogging is not a property of Linda Ikeji. If you want to be a footballer, you can also be as big as Ahmed Musa or Cristiano Ronaldo.
The banking industry is not owned by big men like Herbert Wigwe, the MD/CEO of Access Bank. Whatever your career path is, you can make it if you believe in yourself but never compare yourself with anyone. Do your thing and set your success goals.
Talented Nigerian music producer and singer, Cobhams Asuguo in his trending song “One Hit Song” captures the minds of every dream chaser. Dripping with a lot of soul, Cobhams records a very thoughtful song that captures the topmost desire in the heart of all aspiring musicians thus inspiring every talent who aspires to make a difference with their gift.
Excerpts from the Lyrics: “Give me one hit song Lord! Let me blow like Olamide”
There is no limit to what you can achieve in life. Even Olamide is wishing to be something or aspiring to be bigger despite the height he has attained in life. So, don’t you ever stop planning for your life. You can achieve that goal.
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