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Tuesday, 2 December 2014

POLITICAL UPDATES: .Professor Wole Soyinka Calls President Goodluck Jonathan ‘Nebuchadnezzar’

Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has lambasted President Goodluck Jonathan for allowing what he called a reign of impunity, the latest being police siege on the National Assembly. Mr. Soyinka said the latest action of Suleiman Abba, the Inspector General of Police, against members of the House of Representatives was an “unambiguous” declaration of war against the people. At a press conference in Lagos he titled King Nebuchadnezzar – The Reign of Impunity, Mr. Soyinka said that the battle line had been drawn and Nigerians must decide whether to submit or resist to the current democratic dispensation.

“I shall not insist that the biblical figure of Nebuchadnezzar is uniquely apt for the pivotal figure of the ‘democratic’ history in the making at this moment,” said Mr. Soyinka. “For one thing, Nebu was a nation builder and a warrior. One could argue even more convincingly for the figure of Balthazar, his successor, or indeed Emperor Nero as reference point – you all remember him – the emperor who took to fiddling while Rome was burning.

“However you should easily recall why I opted for King Nebu – the figure that currently sits on the top of our political pile himself evoked it, albeit in a context that virtuously disclaimed any similarities, even tendencies. Perhaps he meant it at the time when he claimed: ‘I am no Nebuchadnezzar.’ Perhaps not. One judges leaders on acts however, not pronouncements, which are often as reliable as electoral promises.”

Mr. Soyinka said that it was left for Nigerians to decide to revert to the ‘Abacharian status of glorified slaves.”

“The praetorian guards have been let loose – to teach the rabble their place,” he said.

“The recent choice of a new leader for the guard was clearly no accident, and this hitherto unknown enforcer, one Suleiman Abba, has wasted no time in inaugurating a season of brutish power. When a people’s elected emissaries are disenfranchised, cast out like vagrants and resort to scaling fences to engage in their designated functions, the people get the message.

“However, the choice is always there, and each choice comes at a cost. It is either we pay now, or pay later.”

Mr. Soyinka also said that President Goodluck Jonathan had continued to surprise Nigerians in ways “few could have conjectured.”

“Peaking at his own personalised example where he set the law of arithmetic on its head – I refer to the split in the Governors’ Forum, and his ‘formal’ recognition of the minority will in a straightforward, peer election – democracy has been rendered meaningless where it should be most fervently exemplified.

“Nothing is more unworthy of leadership than to degrade a system by which one attains fulfilment, and this is what the nation has witnessed time and time again in various parts of the nation, the recent affront against the legislative chamber being only the most blatant and unconscionable…

“It is a warning. His choices for the occupancy of crucial public positions – such as the protective arm of the nation – constitutes an even more immediate and constant public alert. The signals are ominous – for and beyond 2015.”


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Bennard Ahupa

Stupid old man soyinka

Endy Edeson

@BENNARD: we are in democratic system of govt which allows for freedom of speech.

Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina

People have a problem with truth. They avoid it like a plague. The Prof is spot on.

Onyinye Nwosu-Ekemezie

Freedom of speech indeed. Most Nigerians lack respect.

Enyinda Nathaniel Okey

this is the freedom of speech which GEJ has allowed. No other president allowed it. OBJ did all that he did... made himself oil minister for 8 years... decimated Odi and Zaki Biam... under the very watchful eyes of Soyinka... what respect would we have for people who play hypocrisy?
2HideJust now

Emeka Solomon

A demon is an angel to some people, while angels are demons to others, just like the yoruba proverb that says "nkan toba koju si enikan, eyin loko si elomi" we need better monsters and not Buhari

Tobechi Okonkwo

Those whom their Gods want to kill first make them run mad". Soyinka should hide his face in shame for introducing Cultism in Nigeria which lead to thousands of death in our higher institutions. He should also tell us his achievements when he was in charge of Federal Road Safety Commission. Yes we are in a democratic setting and there is freedom of speech and expression, but must you insult and disrespect the highest office in the land?

Shukar Sugarmix Khadibia

Soyinka has not said anything bad but the truth except people didnt just read through before castigating him.......the truth is very bitter but it must be spoken.......still trying hard to know what exact formula GEJ applied to make the submission that 16 is greater than 19 as was the case in the NGF election cited by Wole Soyinka in his writeup above

Browayson John Sr.

Soyinka Go and sleep or write more books if u have nothing better to say!. Jonathan is no NebudchadneZzar,He's. d savoiur of Nigeria & @ d moment d best and only option for Nigeria. som people talk somtimes as if thy hav no iorta of eduacation and common sense. in dia baboon brains mtcheeewwww!

Starrose Bling

Dis soyinka how e dey do am self?are u guys sure his ok upstairs?cos if he is he won't be talking like an asshole dat he is

Muhammad Ibraheem Kudus

dis s nt but truth,buh oga jonas brodas wil wont aspt dis...d fact is dat dis man failed evrbody

Browayson John Sr.

@ Mohammed: what is truth about that?,u knw we will not accept it cos its not close to d fact,so jst hang it there,.

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