Veteran Nollywood actor Justus Esiri, who passed away on February 19, 2013, will be buried today, April 12, 2013 in his home town, Oria-Abraka, Delta State.
The late actor’s service of songs/wake keep took place on Tuesday at the Catholic Church of Ascension, International Airport Road, Lagos.
Mass in Delta State will take place April 12 at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Abraka.
Esiri, a long time actor on Nigerian television, started his acting career in the 70s and is most popular for his role as ‘Headmaster’ in the nationwide series Village Headmaster, which aired on the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in the early ‘80s.
The late actor’s service of songs/wake keep took place on Tuesday at the Catholic Church of Ascension, International Airport Road, Lagos.
Mass in Delta State will take place April 12 at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Abraka.
Esiri, a long time actor on Nigerian television, started his acting career in the 70s and is most popular for his role as ‘Headmaster’ in the nationwide series Village Headmaster, which aired on the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in the early ‘80s.