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Friday, 22 June 2018

Actress Cossy Orjiakor Says She Wants To Be Single Forever Or A Babymama

While some of her colleagues are getting into the institution of marriage or probably getting out, actress Cossy Orjiakor has said that there would be no such drama for her as she has vowed to remain forever single or just be a single mother.

The busty actress hammered on her stand again after she watched a man batter his wife and child right in front of her. “No time for drama, forever single, baby mama mode activated ” said the actress.

Cossy who called out the man on her IG page says she tried to intervene when her ‘neighbor’ started hitting his wife and their child who was there only for the man to beat her too inflicting with several injuries just for interfering.

According to Cossy this is not the first time the man would openly batter his wife despite his wealth and education. Sadly, the wife keeps mute about it.

For this, the actress has decided that marriage is not for her as she cannot imagine herself living like this under a man.

Read what she posted below:

This is Mr Matin Obinka Maruche, he deals on Italian mens wares and also own the plaza where a bank and also @kaffydance studio somewhere in badore, Ajah. Martin is an uneducated big boy from Agulu Uzoigbo in Anambra state.

He maybe an ideal husband material hahahhaha, tall dark and handsome he also owns assorted property in Lagos. and unfortunately is also my neighbor. He is so fond of beating up his wife at anytime it please him.

I also heard crazy stories from his various house girls that u won’t believe, you will just wonder why!!?… His wife is a drop dead gorgeous lady. Her hips will make most woman go green with envy. I remember the night he pushed her down the stairs. Well…. Tonight another episode..he was beating her on the streets.

The child was begging him to stop and he hit the little girl with his belt..I stupidly went to intervene and he used belt to wipe me so hard..see the picture broken finger, torn leg, elbow, boobs sef not spared.

This guy wicked ooo…hmmm my dear i no no who send me, I for jejele stay put in my house. Anyway for The wounds he gave me I present to you Mr Martin Obinka Maruche, a Child and wife beater….

Am wondering if I should go to police or just take care of my wound. Up till now i can still hear the wife scream for help. Guess by tomorrow she will use foundation and eyeglass to cover the wounds he is inflicting on her right now.

Sometimes its better to be single or be a baby mama than end up with men that can destroy you . Mr Matin Maruche phone number +2348……… #notime #fordrama #foreversingle. #babymama mode activated.




Mercy Okon

Make u be na. Anything in life is all about choice.

Mac David Akwueze

Her choice but because someone is being beating by her husband doesn't mean your own husband will beat you cos everybody will not marry the same.. Again why will you go to separate husband and wife fighting, don't you know that tomorrow they will use you to settle their case and why didn't you use your front to push the man down?

Endy Edeson

@Mac & Mercy: Well said. To me, she did the right by trying to lessen the fighting. Now, the man will learn his lessons and even be a better person after this controversy

Perez Oluwatobi Omobolu-akiyode

U should have called the police first before posting it here jare

Endy Edeson

@Perez: The awareness she created is equivalent to police invitation.

Faith Kinika

family palawa. cossy is just giving excuses because she cant find a man to marry her

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