Curvy Nollywood actress, Moyo Lawal, who has come under fire lately for her viral Nude photo has just made a daring declaration. According to the outspoken actress, one thing she lacks right now in her life is good sex.
The actress had posted semi-nude photos on her instagram page to promote a make up brand. Reacting on the same platform, she said she was not actually naked, while describing her critics as hypocrites.
Moyo, also revealed just how much she misses sex when she was asked to pick one out of men with different endowments, not mincing words, Moyo picked a man who would give her a damn good sex.
“It would be really sensible picking a man with money, but I’d rather go for what I lack right now, which is good sex.”
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Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
The actress had posted semi-nude photos on her instagram page to promote a make up brand. Reacting on the same platform, she said she was not actually naked, while describing her critics as hypocrites.
Moyo, also revealed just how much she misses sex when she was asked to pick one out of men with different endowments, not mincing words, Moyo picked a man who would give her a damn good sex.
“It would be really sensible picking a man with money, but I’d rather go for what I lack right now, which is good sex.”
Follow Edeson News on Instagram & Twitter:.
Edited by: Endy Edeson
Photo News Editor: Endy Edeson
Beni Rowlly
@ Endy the challenge is getting a compatible partner.. I have seen girls who are very hyper active in sex and when they see their match they stopped moving from one man to another... honestly,when I new them first I thought it was an habit,my dear as years passed I felt for them,they couldn't just have sex and be satisfied just like that,they don't smoke or drink.,And if they meet someone that satisfied them at that time,you will hear them I had a good one and see them feeling relaxed and satisfied that time..
Endy Edeson
BENI you are right. They are called NYMPHOMANIAC: A woman who masturbates, has erotic feelings towards numerous men and women, and an “excessive” desire for sex
Bekere Becky Afaka
Jennifer ,funke akindele,and moyo started acting togeda,moyo is just seeking attention.
Endy Edeson
@Becky: You think so? I think she is saying her mind because she is already popular and has all the attention
Chibuzo Chilewem
What's she waiting for Young fresh blood strong fucking on sex this time am not guessing but I will..., make she try me.
Neeboi Adebowale Ebah
@becky Akindele Started Actin B4 Moyo