into her private part but ran away when the lady started shouting and crying fro help. It was gathered that the lady was already half naked at the rest room.
It is being alleged that a member of Nigerian senate or lawmaker could be the rapist who wanted to use her for money ritual to elongate his political prosperity.
Gideon Bigtyme Lordgee
evil assembly
Sola Ajiboye Omotowo
Dishourable Men!!!
Omotayo Taofiq Suleman
Konji is a Bastard...wallahi.
Nwachukwu C. Jonathan
shea she wants to serve in NA
Auxel Celestyn
It is cHANGE.
Aina Prince Jp
Nah wah oooooo, sound funny but serious matter that need urgent attention.
Uche Okor
How true is this?
Edwin Scott
Since today all I have been hearing is Rape rape,someone should come and rape my bank account
Owolabi Joseph Tolulope
Wrong men in the right place.
Jeremiah Ademolu
Ugochi Judith
The rate evil is gaining ground in this country is alarming. God please come fast and deliver us from all this evil.