One of the issues
to discuss in the meeting is the release of the director of ilegal radio
Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu form detention and the possible END of Biafra
struggle now and forever.
A Biafra Insider who wouldn’t want to
be mentioned told Edeson Online News that the defunct MASSOB leader
Chief Ralph Uwazuruike is ready to give up his quest on Biafra
sovereighty. He has since been romancing Nigerian govt in peacful moves.
Ken Philip Maigida and 5 others like this.
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
Beautiful nonsense
Endy Edeson
what do you mean by beautify nonsense. it's a good move for FG and the agitators. are you not about about it? @elliss udoye
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
isn't a biafra leader he is a criminal, if they end biafra, in years to
come I will exhume it and it will come to stay, up biafra
Endy Edeson
you are very funny, though i know you are serious, for me BIAFRA can
only a TOPIC of DISCUSSION but not as a Sovereign State. The Nigerian
BOND is too strong to break
Olayiwola Olayinka Abdul-hakeem
Biafra is dead for long.
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
Bond with what?
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
Abdul show me the grave of biafra then I will admit to it, marriage isn't by force
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
country bond with hatred for the igbos, if Uwazuluike drop biafra,
people are there to pick it up, Uwazuluike has expired but kalu is the
man, that bond must break, Olayiwola Olayinka Abdul-hakeem look round the world and see the color of biafra everywhere
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
is keeping you? where is the grave coward westerners, look@ your
soldiers butchered by terrorist the same terrorist sponsored by your
government, wasting people soldier in the name of army
Olayiwola Olayinka Abdul-hakeem
The founder had already declared it illegal in 1970 before he died. Late Ojukwu founded it and ended it himself..
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
too much talk in evening mass, he founded it and ended and all of you
are happy isn't? Biafra isn't dead even if it take hundreds of years,
Nigeria the giant of Africa, if they don't want igbos to go it simply
means igbos are the giant, all because of oil, if not for oil they would
have kicked Biafra out long time ago
Muthieu DC
so why not igbo nation. last time I check, biafra region consist of many tribes.
Gaby Drealit
I laugh in Hindu's qwrki!qwrki!qwr ki!
a little advice for d zoo gorvt,1,Biafra is not negotiable,2
Uwazuruike is not our leader n he is a fraudster,no one born of a woman
dat can stop Biafra,should any of our Present ipob leader failed us,a
million of ppl are waiting to take up d struggle, u ppl should stop
living in pretence, we are not one n can Neva be,marriage is not by
force,God's kingdom on earth must be restored, which is Biafra, either u
ppl like it or not,all hail Biafra d land of d rising sun.
Chimmy Ellis Udoye
All hail Biafra