What’s currently trending on social media are men asking for equal pregnancy rights as women using the #transpregnancy #Pregnancyforall . These ‘men’ displayed photos of their pregnant selves on social media.
They are demanding equal rights just like real pregnant women. Just in
case you’re wondering, these are men that used to be women.
Alade Yusuf Olawale and 2 others like this.
Prince Chris Ayodele Aisida
i stil kip wnderin wt is reali is goin on,gay, lesbian,adulter y,brother
nd sister of sam parent cn also gt marry all dis now legalised,
transgender, boobs, butty implants etc rubbish tins effects of
technological advancement. end time manifestations.
Rose Uranta Ann
D bible is correct u cant add u cant subtract,let us just do d will of God and get ready for his comming
Abiola Mohammed Usman
irritating-iran u abasha