even though they differ. Escobar was rich even though a criminal. At his peak, he owned numerous luxury residences, automobiles, and airplanes. Indeed, he even had a short-lived career in politics.
Well, people fear if IBORI’s daughter won’t follow his FATHER'S footsteps.
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Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina and 2 others like this.
Enyinda Nathaniel Okey
d father played a special politics. he helped people with what he got. people pay back in kind
Emeka Solomon
good for her
Okwuosa Gracious
That someone 's father is bad doesn't mean the person will be bad too. Go for it lady and make ur people proud.
Otomewo Movis
@endy I am fm delta state and I am not a politician. I can authoritatively
tell u that ibori is one of the best governor nigeria have ever got.
That man touched many peoples life. He is only been tormented bcos he is
a political enemy of jonathan.
Jesse Osayande Vucinic Ehiagwina
wasn't as bad as people say nor as great as some say he was. But when
it comes to the first set of PDP Governors from 99 to 07, he was better
than most of them. Compare him to Uduaghan and you'll see.