House members
began collecting signatures that same day while senators followed suit
two days after. And already, 200 members and about 60 senators were said
to have thrown their weight behind moves to oust the president.
Monguno, a former Attorney General of Borno State told Sunday Trust
that he was one of the 200 members who signed the impeachment motion on
November 20, saying, “some newspapers published names of those who
signed the motion but my name was conspicuously omitted.” Arguing that
president Jonathan had no reason to remain in office anymore having
failed to protect Nigerians against Boko Haram insurgents, Monguno said:
“The federal government led by President Goodluck Jonathan has woefully failed to discharge these responsibilities.
The government which is solely responsible for the security of the
people has failed to protect the lives and property of my constituents.
For five years now there have been consistent Boko Haram attacks in
various parts of my constituency leading to the displacement of a whole
local government in the constituency. Jonathan has woefully failed to
provide for the security and welfare of my constituents that was why I
signed the motion to oust him.”The lawmakers further accused the
Jonathan administration of “monumental” corruption, saying, “for any
development to take place there is the need for dividends of democracy
to reach the people but because of the monumental corruption that has
characterized this government, development is no longer reaching the
people at the grass root and the federal government has clearly
demonstrated lack of capacity to fight corruption. The executive arm of
government led by President Jonathan is a massive failure.
all the alleged constitutional breaches by the president, Monguno said
the security siege on national assembly was the final stroke that broke
the camel’s back hence, the move to impeach Jonathan.
“We need
only one third of the members of the House to serve the president
impeachment notice and so far we have got far more than that so as we
resume the motion will be formally tabled for the president to be
notified. It is only the removal that requires two third. When we
reconvene on December 3rd the president will be served impeachment
notice,” he explained.
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Emeka Solomon
e no concern me because every Nigerian government office holder is worthy of impeachment.
Richard Opalibo
Mercy Dan
among them is worthy to impeach others? they re eating frm d same pot
and now they want to claim saint abi? they can't deceive me cos non of
them signing that re perfect!
Kingsley Torn-bari Gbaarabe
Another way of siphoning tax payers money in the name lobbying to retain presidential position, I pray for war in Nigeria.
Teezana Kamaiin
Ephraim Joseph Mustard
Let me say dis to u dat GEJ wil be our president even if boko haram kills thousands every minute.