SAD animal NEWS around FRANCE:
World Oldest APE is Dead!
The orangutans are the two exclusively Asian species of extant great apes. Native to Indonesia and Malaysia, orangutans are currently found in only the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.
Sadly, the world's oldest reproductive APE (orangutan) in captivity has died at a zoo in western France, aged 50.
According to the zoo keepers, The orangutan nickname 'Major' was a gentle giant of an ape. Major the orang-utan has set a record for longevity in captivity but his legacy will live on since during his lifetime he is known to have fathered 16 baby orang-utans, eight of whom were born at La Boissière du Doré, France.
If the orang-utan became extinct it would be a sad loss to humanity since the species, scientists believe, is Mankind’s nearest relative amongst the great apes, sharing 97% of its DNA with humans.
So SAD...